Sexually Transmitted Infections: What You Should Know

Indeed, sexually transmitted infections are prevailing nowadays, and there is a surge in the number of patients. Regardless of how long you have been sexually active, it is always beneficial to obtain an STI test every now and then for your own safety, as well as others.

An STI is an infection that occurs when unsafe sex has taken place, and one partner has been infected. STI’s can happen through any sexual activity that involves skin-to-skin contact as well as exchange of bodily fluids between partners.

Different Sexually Transmitted Infections

There is a false perception that HIV is the only threat to sexual health. Some other causative agents also target sexual organs and transfer through sexual contact.

It will be unfair to associate STIs with viruses like HIV, HPV, HCV, and HSV. Bacteria are also trouble-causing agents for teenagers and couples. Syphilis and Gonorrhoea are gram-negative bacteria that transmit through sexual relationships.

Whereas trichomoniasis and chlamydia are also a threat to the urogenital tract of males and females, causing mild to severe disease.

What Are The Possible Symptoms Of STIs

Do you know why STIs remain undiagnosed? Because people are unaware of the symptoms of the disease and its intensity of the matter. The symptoms of sexually transmitted infections are highly relatable to any other common disease. That’s why people usually assume that they have acquired the disease and fear visiting the lab.

People continue to avoid obtaining STI tests, which is not the answer. Obtaining a test means you can be diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible and can then continue to have safe sex without putting yourself or anyone else at risk. Some of the most common signs and symptoms are as follows:

  • Pain in the abdominal region
  • Inflammation of lymph nodes
  • weight loss
  • blood in urine
  • difficulty passing urine
  • foul-smelling discharge
  • sores in genital area

What Sample Is Needed For An STI Test?

After observing signs and symptoms, the doctor usually asks the patient to bring the report of the STI test on the next visit.

The lab technologist decides which sample will suit the early and accurate disease diagnosis. However, blood is the universal sample and can indicate the presence of any infective agent in the body. But those who are needle-phobic avoid this method.

The other possible samples for conducting the STI test are

  • Urine sample
  • Swab of the inside of the mouth
  • Genital swab
  • Swab of discharge or sore


Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases is available. So, if you are tested positive, you don’t need to panic! Instead, consult your doctor, strictly follow your medication schedule, and be sure to practice safe sex as much as possible. There is no need to be embarrassed about the topic of STI’s.